In-Depth Soul/Akashic Card Reading

In-Depth Soul/Akashic Card Reading

60 - 90 minutes

These in-depth card readings bring forward valuable information, much like that which comes forward during an Akashic Record Reading.

However, unlike an Akashic Record Reading, this offer is entirely prompted by the drawing of multiple cards from various decks. The decks to be used and consulted are specifically and intricately chosen for your reading by my Guidance Team.  

With over 36 card decks available to me, this comprehensive reading provides you with visual presentations of the guidance being channelled SOUL-Y for you. 

Each card on its own prompts an intuitive download, whilst every card's message is interwoven with the entire card spread. Each card is placed in sequence, with the whole of the spread telling a story, YOUR story.

It is imperative to keep in mind that oracle card readings are intuitively guided with the explicit caveat that it is your own level of openness, to both the experience and the guidance that may come forward, that will have a direct correlation to the depth, degree and substance of the guidance received by me.

Readings are interactive, allowing you to ask questions as we go along so that you may receive deeper clarity and comprehension of the information being channelled.

Readings are offered both in-person and virtually via the Zoom platform.

***All guidance received is intended to merely offer assistance with an absolute understanding that the cards should never be consulted in lieu of advice from medical professionals, therapeutic professionals or other required professional services and/or authorities. This offering will NEVER be a substitute for such ~ please always govern yourself accordingly.

Duration: 60 - 90 minutes (depending)

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